How To Do Marketing For A Self-Published Book - Authors Hike
How To Do Marketing For A Self-Published Book

Making your book a success seems to be more challenging than just getting it published. How can success come knocking at your door? The answer is successful book marketing.

Many authors waste a lot of time trying to sell their books inappropriately. However, this is perfectly fine, given that you are doing something completely new and lack the background knowledge to support your failure. Additionally, you don’t want to overspend because that could lead to a loss.

Launching and marketing your book on the best self-publishing platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Noble is the ultimate remedy. There are a ton of ways to market your self-published book if you want to make it a success. However, you risk wasting a significant amount of your resources if you don’t understand the fundamentals of marketing strategy correctly.

So, How To Promote Your Newly Published Book?

Your book launch is the most important stage. You will spend a lot of time trying to catch up if you don’t have everything ready before publishing.

It is usually preferable to secure the optimum book marketing tools available before learning how to draw attention to your book prior to its release. However, you must be aware of who your target audience is and where you can promote to capture their interest. Perhaps Instagram for fantasy or Facebook for a warm romance. You will have a far better chance of success if you focus your marketing efforts long before you publish your book.

Let’s look at some important suggestions for marketing your self-published book without further ado. But before we get to that, let’s go over some crucial ingredients every book needs to succeed. So, let’s begin:

Have You Written A Great Book?

This is, of course, biased. However, when we refer to an excellent book, we mean one with an intriguing plot or subject matter, whether it be fiction or non-fiction. So that you can determine what we mean by a good book, here are some straightforward questions for you to consider.

  • Did you ask for feedback on this from beta readers?
  • Other than you, has anyone else read your book?
  • Can you be sure that your book will sell well?
  • Have you received any objective criticism of your book by a professional?

An author cannot evaluate their work, and a good book must progress over time.

Once your first draft is complete, you should solicit independent suggestions and constructive criticism. It does require external input to help an author polish and perfect a manuscript before publishing in order for it to be a book worth reading and to perhaps get record sales. Poor initial drafts never do well in the marketplace. So, look over your writing extremely carefully for grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors. Start the process by using a high-quality online grammar checker, and then carefully proofread. Also, if you’re still confused, consider hiring a book editing service.

Can Your Book Cover Attract Your Target Audience?

Did you design the book cover yourself? So, you added an image and a title using MS Word and saved it as a pdf. You converted it again after realizing that it needed to be in JPEG format.

Homemade covers typically lack eye-catching components and have low quality, which makes them appear flat and uninteresting.

The first thing potential readers will notice about your book is its cover. However, it will nearly usually only be a thumbnail. When your cover is resized for use on book retailer websites, it must be crystal clear, precise, and of excellent quality.

However, that’s a plus if you are professional in using Photoshop and book cover design. But, if not, give up on designing your own book cover and hire a professional book cover designer instead. We can also design some artistic yet eye-catching book covers to make your book stand out from the clutter.

So, don’t skimp on your book cover because it is your most important element for book marketing. Your book will have little to no chance of being discovered without an attractive book cover. Particularly for a printed book, a book cover that is bland, uninteresting, boring, or amateurish will harm sales. And authors who hire book marketing services to handle all these tasks understand its significance and that’s the reason they prefer professionals.

Can Your Synopsis Attract Your Target Audience?

How long did it take you to write the book description? How many drafts have you written? Did you ask some individuals which one they thought worked the best? Which phrases in your book description were written with the express purpose of capturing the reader’s attention? Or did you simply boil down your story’s essential elements in a paragraph before adding a “What will happen next?” at the end?

So, your book description is crucial for drawing readers and then persuading them to buy your book. You will not be able to increase sales from your merchant’s site at all with a weak, poorly written book description.

  • Spend the time required to create a book description that is truly great.
  • Look into what makes a good book description.
  • Utilize all of your writing abilities to produce two or three versions, and then obtain professional feedback to determine which one can work the best.

Suppose you believe your book has now successfully navigated all three of the aforementioned quality-assuring stages. In that case, you are ready to build an efficient book marketing campaign to push your book onto the best-sellers list.

Utilize Amazon Tools To Let Your Readers Discover Your Book

For the majority of first-time self-publishing authors, Amazon or Barnes & Noble, and particularly Kindle, will initially account for the largest part of their sales revenue and book reviews.

Make sure to choose and use the best categories and keywords to make your book discoverable if you want to benefit from Amazon’s ability to promote your book. In addition, you should publish your book in both print and Kindle formats to maximize search exposure because you can utilize different genre categories and search terms for each format.

Moreover, if you choose to join KDP Select, be sure to promote using the various channels that Amazon permits. For example, try giving away your book for free on the KDP promotional campaigns, set up countdown specials, and, if your budget allows it, use Amazon Advertisements.

Your Blog Can Serve To Be The Best Selling-Point

Yes, you can have both an email list and a website. But after Amazon, a professionally produced and often updated blog is by far the most efficient way to promote books. Google will index your blog posts if they are well written and loaded with unique content. Then, perhaps, a sizable part of your blog’s readers will find you organically on desired search queries.

Because people find authors and their books through Google and Bing searches, this is an absolute treasure for book marketing. You can also try guest-posting on blogging platforms as it works well for attracting new readers or developing a healthy mailing list.

Make The Most Of Social Media Marketing

Facebook and Twitter are the two most important social media venues for book marketing. LinkedIn and Instagram are also used by some authors. The secret to effectively marketing books on social media is to communicate a lot. Moreover, utilizing social media to advertise your blog is also legitimate and beneficial. But don’t expect any overnight miracles because getting established on social media takes time.

Spread The News About Your Book

Find websites or businesses that can help in spreading the news about your book. There are a lot of websites available for free. However, as is typically the case, what you receive for free is frequently far less than what you can get if you invest a little money in dependable and efficient book marketing. However, you need to take caution when deciding which book marketing services to employ. It’s not always true that investing a lot of money in book marketing results in increased sales.

Be Precise With Your Target Audience

Don’t attempt to promote your book to the entire world, precisely on social media. Instead, only a few readers will be drawn to your book. To focus your promotion on your target market, you must become familiar with your intended readers. This is a crucial point to consider if you are creating a mailing list.

Following architects or salespeople won’t be very useful if you write contemporary romance. If you write teen fantasy, you should look for markets with younger readers. The same holds true for the subjects you cover in your blogs. So, pick topics that your intended reader will find interesting.

Final Words

There are no easy ways to promote a self-published book; it takes serious effort. Superiority sells. So, make sure your book is excellent first and foremost. Then try your hardest to put the fundamentals of book marketing we have listed above into practice. You will be 80% of the way there if you have a great book description, a great cover, and your categories and keywords are working for you on Amazon. Next, look for ways to promote your books every day. So, keep an eye out for fresh concepts.